Bavoil Research Projects

EcoPathogenomics of Chlamydial Reproductive Tract Infection (EPCRTI)

This NIH-NIAID funded STD-Cooperative Research Center (CRC) is directed by Drs. Patrik Bavoil and Jacques Ravel from the University Institute for Genome Science. The CRC includes projects and cores at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, IGS and Adolescent and Young Adults Clinics in Baltimore, The Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, the Arkansas Children Hospital Research Institute in Little Rock, Arkansas, the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho and the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Learn more about EPCRTI

Type III Secretion a la Chlamydia

This project investigates the role of type III secretion in chlamydial development and pathogenesis (funded by Project 2 of EPCRTI)

Learn more about Type III Secretion a la Chlamydia

A Well-Kept Secretome: the Chlamydial Polymorphic Membrane Protein Family

This project investigates the structure-function properties, the variable expression and the role of the "Pmps" in chlamydial pathogenesis (funded by NIH-NIAID).

Learn more about the Chlamydial Polymorphic Membrane Protein Family

[Obligate Intracellular Parasitism]2: The Biology of Chlamydiaphages

This project investigates the biological properties of Chlamydiaphages, their impact on chlamydial pathogenesis and their potential in the development of genetics in Chlamydia (funded by NIH-NIAID).

Learn more about the Biology of Chlamydiaphages


This project investigates the genomic diversity of the Chlamydiaceae in relationship to chlamydial development and pathogenesis, chlamydial disease, host specificity and the composition and dynamics of the host microbiota (funded by NIH-NIAID).

Learn more about Chlamydiomics

Structure, Immunity, Microbiome: 3D Biomimetic Cervicovaginal Models of Sexually Transmitted Infections (SIM-STI)

The overarching objective of SIM-STI is to bridge the gap currently existing between our understanding of chlamydial and gonococcal infections derived from animal and cellular models, and from ex vivo data, and that generated from observing the actual infection and disease occurring in humans.

Learn more about SIM-STI