Sierra Jackson
Administrative Coordinator
F 410-706-7201
Phone: 410-706-4469
Email: Admissions
The University of Maryland School of Dentistry's Advanced Dental Education program in Periodontics is a three-year program rooted which aims to train the next generation of Specialists in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases and in the field of dental implantology. The mission of the program is geared at training future leaders in the specialty and community, whether it be in private practice or academia. Our faculty consists of a core of full-time faculty, all Board certified, as well as a critical cadre of highly talented and accomplished Dean's Faculty from the local community.
Scope of Training
Residents may also apply for admission to the Master of Science (M.S.) program in Biomedical Sciences through the Graduate School, University of Maryland Baltimore. Graduate coursework successfully completed as part of the specialty program fulfills course requirements for the M.S. program. Residents are required to conduct a research project and to complete a paper acceptable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal or thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Certificate in Periodontics. Graduates of the Advanced Dental Education Program in Periodontics receive a Certificate in Periodontics upon successful completion of program requirements. Upon submission and successful defense of the master’s thesis, residents are awarded the M.S. degree in Biomedical Sciences by the Graduate School.
Program Director
Harlan J. Shiau DDS, DMedSc, DIP, PERIO
Director of Postgraduate
Clinical Associate Professor
Division of Periodontics
University of Maryland Dental School