Cryo-ultramicrotomy Minicourse

CryoUltramicrotomy Course

Date: July 27-28, 2015

Location: University of Maryland Baltimore, Electron Microscopy Core Imaging Facility (EMCIF)

Instructor: Dr. Helmut Gnaegi, Diatome Ltd

Lecturer and demonstrator: EMCIF Director (Dr. Ru-ching Hsia)  and staff

Scope of aims:  To promote the knowledge and skills of advanced cryo-ultramicrotomy techniques

Targeted participants:  Individuals who are experienced with ultramicrotome operation at ambient temperature and wish to extend their skills to include sectioning CEMOVIS and Tokuyasu immmunolabeling specimen

Format: Lecture, demonstration and hands-on practice

Techniques covered: High pressure freezing of  samples for Cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS), Cryo-sectioning of CEMOVIS samples, Cryo sectioning of sucrose infused biological sample (for Tokuyasu immunolabeling)

Instrumentation: High pressure freezer ( Leica EMPACT II); Cryoultramicrotome (Leica UC6/FC7); Two Micromanipulator (EMS/Diatome)

2015 Cryoultramicrotomy Course Program

Registration Fee: $600

Participants: maximum 6

Resiger and Pay

Inquiry: E-mail