
Papers and Proceedings, 2013 - Present

  1. ‌Woo, J., Murano, E.Z., Stone, M, Prince, J.L. (2012) Reconstruction of high-resolution tongue volumes from MRI. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 59(12):3511-24.
  2. Unay, D., Ozturk, C., Stone, M. (2012) Single syllable tongue motion analysis using tagged cine MRI. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Liu, X., Abd-Elmoniem, K.Z., Stone, M., Murano, E.Z., Zhuo, J., Gullapalli, R.P., Prince, J.L. (2012) Incompressible deformation estimation algorithm (IDEA) from tagged MR images. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 31(2):326-40.
  4. Woo, J., Stone, M., Prince, J.L. (2011) Deformable registration of high-resolution and cine MR tongue images. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 14(Pt 1):556-63.
  5. Mays, K.A., Stone, M. (2011) Characterization of mandibular movement during speech in the presence of oral articulatory perturbation. Arch Oral Biol. 56(5):474-82.
  6. Stone, M., Liu, X., Chen, H., Prince, J.L. (2010) A preliminary application of principal components and cluster analysis to internal tongue deformation patterns. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 13(4):493-503. PMCID:PMC3046779.
  7. Murano, E.Z., Shinagawa, H., Zhuo, J., Gullapalli, R.P., Ord, R.A., Prince, J.L., Stone, M. (2010) Application of diffusion tensor imaging after glossectomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 143(2):304-6. PMCID:PMC2924629
  8. Liu, X., Zhuo, J., Agarwal, H., Abd-Elmoniem, K.Z., Murano, E., Stone, M., Gullapalli, R., Prince, J.L. (2009) Quantification of Three Dimensional Tongue Motion During Speech Using zHARP. Proc Soc Photo Opt Instrum Eng. 7258. PMCID:PMC3129908
  9. Shinagawa, H., Murano, E.Z., Zhuo, J., Landman, B., Gullapalli, R.P., Prince, J.L., Stone, M. (2009) Effect of oral appliances on genioglossus muscle tonicity seen with diffusion tensor imaging: A pilot study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology. 107: 57-63.
  10. Parthasarathy, V., Prince, J.L., Stone, M., Murano, E., and NessAiver, M. (2007) “ Measuring tongue motion from tagged Cine-MRI using harmonic phase (HARP) processing,” Journal of Acoustic Society of America, vol.121, no.1, 491-504.
  11. Stone, M., Stock, G., Bunin, K., Kumar, K., Epstein, M., Parthasarathy,V., Prince, J, Li, M., Kambhamettu, C. (2007) Comparison of speech production in upright and supine position. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 122 (1), 532-541.
  12. NessAiver, M., Stone, M., Parthasarathy, V., Kahana, Y. Kots, A, Paritsky, A (2006) Recording high quality speech during tagged Cine MRI studies using a fiber optic microphone. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging . 23, 92-97.
  13. Epstein, M.A., and Stone. M. (2005) The tongue stops here: Ultrasound imaging of the palate. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 118 (4), 2128-2131.
  14. Stone, M., Epstein, M.A., Kambhamettu, C., and Li, M. (2006) Predicting 3D Tongue Shapes from Midsagittal Contours. In Harrington, J., and Tabain, M. (eds.), Speech Production: Models, Phonetic Processes, and Techniques , Psychology Press. Chapter 18, 315-330.
  15. Stone, M. (2005) A guide to analysing tongue motion from ultrasound images. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics . 19 (6-7); 455-502.
  16. Stone, M., Epstein, M. A., and Iskarous, K. (2004) Functional segments in tongue movement. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 18(16-18), 507-522.
  17. Stone, M., Davis, E., Douglas, A., Ness Aiver, M., Gullapalli, R., Levine, W., and Lundberg, A. (2001) Modeling Tongue Surface Contours from Cine-MRI images. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 44, 1026-1040.
  18. Chi-Fishman, G., Stone, M. and McCall, G. (1998) Lingual action in normal sequential swallowing. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research. 41, 771-785.
  19. Stone, M. and Lundberg, A. (1996): “Three-dimensional tongue surface shapes of English consonants and vowels,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America., 99, 3728-3737.
  20. Kim, E.J. (2019)The Effects of Glossectomy on Airway to Tongue Ratio and Mandibular Morphology Using MRI. MS. Thesis, Dept of Orthodontics, University of Maryland Dental School.
  21. Pedersen, A.D. (2017) The Effect of Maxillary Features and Occlusal Parameters on “sh” Production in Control and Glossectomy Subjects. MS. Thesis, Dept of Orthodontics, University of Maryland Dental School.
  22. Harandi, N.M. (2016) 3D Subject-Specfic Biomechanical Modeling and Simulation of the Oropharynx with Application to Speech Production. PhD Dissertation, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia.
  23. Stone, M, and Shadle, C (2016) Stone_AcoustToday_Reprint. Acoustics Today, Winter issue, 12(4): 48-55.
  24. Hwang, J.H. (2015) Effect of Maxillary Features on Tongue Anteriority in Glossectomy and Control Speakers. MS. Thesis, Dept of Orthodontics, University of Maryland Dental School.
  25. Liu, X. (2009) Three-Dimensional Muscle Motion Reconstruction Using Tagged MR Images. PhD Dissertation, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University.