We will be offering our RDH- BS program beginning Fall 2025.

Degree Completion Bachelor of Science Program

The Degree Completion Dental Hygiene Program is for students who already are licensed, Registered Dental Hygienists, completed their clinical dental hygiene education at another college, have a certificate or associate degree in dental hygiene, and who wish to complete their degree to obtain the Bachelor of Science Degree. You must be a graduate of a dental hygiene program of a college or university that is regionally accredited and also accredited by the ADA Commission on Dental Accreditation.

degree_completionAdvancing technology, new systems of health care delivery, changing oral disease patterns, an aging population and a more informed health-conscious public have changed the nature of dental practice in recent years. For dental hygienists, the baccalaureate degree has become increasingly important for adapting successfully to these changes and for advancing professionally.

Our innovative Dental Hygiene Degree Completion Program prepares graduates for positions of responsibility in dental hygiene. A variety of career opportunities exist for the baccalaureate educated dental hygienists in clinical practice, education, management/ administration, research and public health/community oral health care.

The Degree Completion Program provides the opportunity for dental hygienists who hold an associate degree or certificate to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in dental hygiene. The program guides students in developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary for positions of responsibility in a variety of health care, educational, research and community settings.

The program's approach to learning aims to expand knowledge and experience in the many roles of the advanced degreed dental hygienists in the health care delivery system.  The curriculum includes interprofessional development and hands-on practicum experiences allowing students to expand their knowledge and experiences beyond traditional entry-level dental hygiene roles.   The faculty strives to develop creative, thinking professionals who are capable of assessing their own performance and directing their own professional growth. Students have the opportunity to share experiences, knowledge and skills; work cooperatively with colleagues; and explore a variety of resources to help them reach their full potential as health care providers.

Graduates report renewed enthusiasm for dental hygiene and increased opportunities and satisfaction in both traditional and nontraditional employment settings. Many graduates pursue advanced education after completion of the program.

For more information, discuss your interests with Suzanne Burgee, MSDH, RDH, Director of Dental Hygiene Programs, at sburgee1@umaryland.edu